ETMIN, the European Trade Mark Intelligence Network, has been founded with the aim to provide pan-European support in trade mark cases and to promote the exchange of information between jurisdictions, its law makers and its professionals to better understand and apply the respective regulations of the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).

The importance of European trade marks has not been fully understood by many commercial players focussing on only their national market. Also, local lawyers tend to underestimate the importance and the legal risk involved by not considering the effects on a European level.

We have choosen several forms of actions to achieve our goals:

  • Direct legal advice
  • Backup support for local lawyers
  • Conferences and seminars dealing with relevant aspects
  • Publications of relevant aspects

While the EUIPO itself is located in Alicante, ETMIN has choosen Brussels as its central location as networking with the relevant policy makers of the European Union is important in better promoting the protection needs of companies heavily investing into their brands.

ETMIN acts in the form of an association, with the partners located at their respective offices across the European Union.

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